Pittermann J. 2025. The Evolutionary Inevitability of Plant Water Transport: a commentary on John Sperry's "Evolution of water transport and xylem structure". International Journal of Plant Sciences.
Groover A, et al. 2025. Tree drought physiology: critical research questions and strategies for mitigating climate change effects on forests. New Phytologist
Radek Jupa, Julieta A. Rosell, Jarmila Pittermann. 2024. Bark structure is coordinated with xylem hydraulic properties in branches of five Cupressaceae species. Plant Cell Environment 47:1439–1451. DOI: 10.1111/pce.14824
Leonard HE,Ciambrone M, Pittermann J (2024) Species-specific responses drive browsing impacts on physiological and functional traits in Quercus agrifolia and Umbellularia californica . PLoS ONE19(7): e0287160. 10.1371/journal.pone.0287160
Lauren Azevedo-Schmidt , Ellen D. Currano, Regan E. Dunn, Elizabeth Gjieli, Jarmila Pittermann, Emily Sessa and Jacquelyn L. Gill. 2024. Ferns as facilitators of community recovery following biotic upheaval. BioScience, 2024, 0, 1–11
Jarmila Pittermann, Alex Baer, Courtney Campany, Steven Jansen, Helen Holmlund, Eric Schuettpelz, Klaus Mehltreter and James E. Watkins Jr. A reduced role for water transport during the Cenozoic evolution of epiphytic Eupolypod ferns. New Phytologist (2023) 237: 1745–1758 doi: 10.1111/nph.18667
Ryan A. Salladay and Jarmila Pittermann. 2023. Using heat plumes to simulate post-fire effects on cambial viability and hydraulic performance in Sequoia sempervirens stems. Tree Physiology 43, 769–780
Pittermann J, Baer A, Sang Y. 2021. Primary tissues may affect estimates of cavitation resistance in ferns. New Phytologist 231: 285–296 doi: 10.1111/nph.17374
Baer A, Wheeler JK, Pittermann J. 2020. Limited hydraulic adjustments drive the acclimation response of Pteridium acquilinum to variable light. Annals of Botany 125:691-700.
Chacon AI, Baer A, Wheeler JK, Pittermann J. 2020. Two coastal Pacific evergreens, Arbutus menziesii, Pursh., and Quercus agrifolia, Nee, show little water stress during California's exceptional drought. PLoSOne 15(4):e0230868.
Holmlund HI, Davis SD, Ewers FW, Aguirre NM, Sapes G, Sala A, Pittermann J. 2020. Positive root pressure is critical for whole-plant desiccation recovery in two species of terrestrial resurrection ferns. Journal of Experimental Botany 71:1139-1150.
Cary, KL, Ranieri GM, Pittermann J. 2020. Xylem form and function under extreme nutrient limitation: an example from California's pygmy forest. New Phytologist.
Holmlund HI, Pratt RB, Jacobsen AL, Davis SD, Pittermann J. 2019. High-resolution computed tomography reveals dynamics of desiccation and rehydration in fern petioles of a desiccation-tolerant fern. New Phytologist 224-97-105.
Olson M and Pittermann J. 2019. Cheap and attractive: water relations and floral adaptation. New Phytologist. 223:193-203.
Pittermann, J and Olson M. 2018. Commentary: Transport efficiency and cavitation resistance in developing shoots - a risk worth taking. Tree Physiology.
Pittermann, J. 2018. "Stems" in How Plants Work, Stephen Blackmore, ed., Princeton University Press.
Cary K, Pittermann J. 2018. Small trees, big problems: Comparative leaf function under extreme edaphic stress. Am. J. Bot. 105:50-59.
Pittermann, Cowan J, Kaufman N, Zhang E, Baer A, Kuty D. 2018. The water relations and xylem attributes of albino redwood shoots (Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don.) Endl). PLoS ONE 13:1-15.
Mahley JN, Pittermann J, Rowe N, Baer A, Watkins JE, Schuettpelz E, Wheeler JK, Mehltreter K, Windham M, Testo W, Beck J. 2018. Geometry, Allometry and Biomechanics of Fern Leaf Petioles: Their Significance for the Evolution of Functional and Ecological Diversity Within the Pteridaceae. Frontiers in Plant Science. DOI 10.3389/fpls.2018.00197.
Guenni O, Romero E, Guedez Y, Bravo de Guenni L. 2018. Influence of low light intensity on growth and biomass allocation, leaf photosynthesis and canopy radiation interception and use in two forage species of Centrosema (DC.) Benth. Grass Forage Sci. DOI: 10.1111/gfs.12368
Burns, Pittermann, Rico. 2017. Evergreen and deciduous ferns of the Coast Redwood forest. Madrono.
Pittermann, Wilson, Brodribb, 2016. The role of water transport in plant diversification. Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 4, pp. 358–366. Oxford: Academic Press
Holmlund, Lekson, Gillespie et al. 2016. Seasonal changes in tissue-water relations for eight species of ferns during historic drought in California. American J. Botany 103:1-11
Baer, Wheeler, Pittermann. 2016. Not dead yet: the seasonal water relations of two perennial ferns during California's exceptional drought. New Phytologist 210:122-132.
Gleason, Westoby, Jansen et al. 2015. Weak tradeoff between safety and xylem-specific hydraulic efficiency across the world's woody plant species. New Phytologist.
Testo, Watkins, Pittermann, Momin. 2015. Pteris x caridadiae (Pteridaceae), a new hybrid fern from Costa Rica. Brittonia, 1-6.
Hacke, Lachenbruch, Pittermann, Mayer, Domec and Schulte. 2015. 'The hydraulic architecture of conifers' in in Ecological and Functional Xylem Anatomy, ed. Uwe Hacke, Springer International. 36 pp. Book Chapter.
Pittermann, Watkins, Cary, Schuettpelz, Brodersen, Smith and Baer. 2015. 'The structure and function of xylem in seed free vascular plants: an evolutionary perspective', in Ecological and Functional Xylem Anatomy, ed. Uwe Hacke, Springer International. 35 pp. Book Chapter.
Brodersen, Jansen, Choat, Rico and Pittermann. 2014. Cavitation resistance in seedless vascular plants: the structure and function of interconduit pit membranes. Plant Physiology 165: 895-904.
Li F-W, Villarreal, Kelly, Rothfels et al. 2014 Horizontal transfer of an adaptive chimeric photoreceptor from bryophytes to ferns. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111:6672-6677.
Pittermann, Lance, Poster, Baer and Fox. 2014 Heavy browsing afects the hydraulic capacity of Ceanothus rigidus (Rhamnaceae). Oecologia 175:801-810.
Pittermann, Brodersen and Watkins. 2013. The physiological resilience of fern sporophytes and gametophytes: advances in water relations offer new insights into an old lineage. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00285
Rico, Pittermann, Polley, Aspinwall, Fay. 2013. The effect of subambient to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on vascular function in Helianthus annuus: implications for plant response to climate change. New Phytologist 199:956-965.
Brodribb, Pittermann, Coomes. 2012. Elegance versus speed: examining the competition between conifer and angiosperm trees. International Journal of Plant Sciences 173:673-694.
Choat et al. 2012. Global convergence in the vulnerability of forests to drought. Nature 491:752-754.
Brodersen, Roark, Pittermann. 2012. Physiological implications of primary xylem organization in two ferns. Plant, Cell & Environment 35:1898-1911.
Pittermann, Stuart, Dawson, Moreau. 2012. Cenozoic climate change shaped the evolutionary ecophysiology of the Cupressaceae conifers. PNAS 109:9647-9652.
Pittermann, Limm, Rico, Christman. 2011. Structure-function constraints of tracheid-based xylem: comparison of conifers and ferns. New Phytologist 192:449-461.
Pittermann. 2010. The evolution of water transport in plants: an integrated approach. Geobiology 8:112-139.
Pittermann, Choat, Jansent, Stuart, Lynn, Dawson. 2010. Relationships between xylem safety and hydraulic efficiency in the Cupressaceae: the evolution of pit membrane form and function. Plant Physiology 153:1919-1931.
Choat, Pittermann. 2009. New insights into bordered pit structure and cavitation resistance in angiosperms and conifers. New Phytologist 182:557-560.
Hacke, Sperry, Feild, Sano, Sikkema, Pittermann. 2007. Water transport in vesselless angiosperms: conducting efficiency and cavitation safety. International J. Plant Sciences 168:1113-1126.
Sperry, Hacke, Pittermann. 2006. Size and function in conifer tracheids and angiosperm vessels. American J Botany 93:1490-1500.
Pittermann, Sperry, Hacke, Wheeler, Sikkema. 2006. Inter-tracheid pitting and the hydraulic efficiency of conifer wood: the role of tracheid allometry and cavitation protection. American J Botany 93:1265-1273.
Burgess, Pittermann, Dawson. 2006. Hydraulic efficiency and safety of branch xylem increases with height in Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) crowns. Plant, Cell & Environment 29:229-239.
Pittermann, Sperry, Wheeler, Hacke, Sikkema. 2006. Mechanical reinforcement of tracheids compromises the hydraulic efficiency of conifer xylem. crowns. Plant, Cell & Environment 29:1618-1628.
Pittermann, Sperry. 2005. Analysis of freeze-thaw embolism in conifers. The interaction between cavitation pressure and tracheid size. Plant Physiology.
Pittermann, Sperry, Hacke, Wheeler, Sikkema. 2005. Torus-margo pits help conifers compete with angiosperms. Science 310: 1924.
Hacke, Sperry, Pittermann. 2004. Analysis of circular bordered pit function II. Gymnosperm tracheids with torus-margo pit membranes. American J Botany 91:386-400.
Pittermann, Sperry. 2003. Tracheid diameter is the key trait determining the extent of freezing-induced embolism in conifers. Tree Physiology 23:907-914.
Pittermann, Sage, 2001. The response of the high altitude C4 grass Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt) A.S. Hitch. to long- and short-term chilling. J. Experimental Botany 52:829-838.
Hacke, Stiller, Sperry, Pittermann, McCulloh. 2001. Cavitation fatigue. Embolism and refilling cycles can weaken the cavitation resistance of xylem. Plant Physiology 125:779-786.
Hacke, Sperry, Pittermann. 2000. Drought experience and cavitation resistance in six shrubs from the Great Basin, Utah. Basic & Applied Ecology 1:31-41.
Pittermann, Sage. 2000. Photosynthetic performance at low temperature of Bouteloua gracilis Lag, a high-altitude C4 grass from the Rocky Mountains, USA. Plant, Cell & Environment 23:811-823.